
Bryan Christopher Valencia Poetry

Three years ago I began a life on the road in my 1998 Oldsmobile Aurora. It was my dream to travel across the the world performing comedy and providing help to those in need. Daily, I am surrounded on all four sides by windows, watching within a shell of glass and metal as landscapes change, days bleed twilight sunsets into night, and the lives I have grown to know - with whom I’ve shared words, or laughter, or cocktails under the stars - are destined to continue forward even after I disappear over the horizon. I’ve come to understand that the world continues to turn and we are all witnesses, striving to find definition, connection, and a place within the human experience. I’ve found that joy shares deep ties with our sorrow and that it is okay to embrace both. Individuality means accepting the validity of our personal thoughts and emotions, even when they expose fractures and our jagged, unpolished edges. Over the span of 3 years I have carried out a vagabond’s life on the road. The pursuit of my passions continue, to this day, to shepherd me across North America where I offer my thoughts to individuals I have yet to know.  Past, present, and future collide in ways we will never fully describe, and that is precisely what it means to be human; that is precisely why I write.


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